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RT: ‘No military action without our consent’ – South Korea against war on Korean Peninsula

The new president of South Korea is very liberal. Here is a segment from RT today on the situation. From RT: South Korea’s president says only his country can decide the fate of the Korean Peninsula – and whether there will be any military action there. The statement came as thousands protested in Seoul against the United States’ deployment of the THAAD missile defense system in their country. The calls for de-escalation contrast sharply with US President Donald Trump’s statements though…Subscribe to RTClick here for Whatfinger Breaking News. For the latest commentary, current events, politics and political humor. The ONLY site that shows you footage and video from all news sources. CLICK HERE



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Save your retirement. The Left is doing all they can to destroy the US economy. Free info…

Dr. Zelenko was Trump’s Advisor and has this to build up your immunity so you don’t get sick