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Democrats Predict LANDSLIDE Victory For Trump But Biden Still Wins, They Have BROKEN The Election

Democrats Predict LANDSLIDE Victory For Trump But Biden Still Wins, They Have BROKEN The Election. Several reports suggest that even though Trump will win after a week of finding new votes Biden will be the actual winner. Its how it played out in California Republicans won almost every mid term race and then a week later it all flipped for Democrats after new votes were being found in the mail. This is all on the Democrats as Birx and Fauci have said it is safe to vote in person but for some reason Democrats refuse. Perhaps we are being set up to expect a broken election that Democrats will try to delegitimize after Trump actually does win. This will lead to urban conflict worse than we have seen yet.



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Save your retirement. The Left is doing all they can to destroy the US economy. Free info…

Dr. Zelenko was Trump’s Advisor and has this to build up your immunity so you don’t get sick