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TRT: Greek Debt Crisis? Nationwide strike called to protest austerity

Greece is in some very serous trouble. Socialism has pretty much destroyed it. They have more people receiveing thier income from the government than any other European nation, it can only get worse from here. From TRT: In Athens… thousands of Greeks have taken to the streets to protest more planned austerity measures. What began as a nationwide general strike on Wednesday quickly turned violent as thousands of demonstrators clashed with riot police. Nafisa Latic has more.Click here for Whatfinger Breaking News. For the latest commentary, current events, politics and political humor. The ONLY site that shows you footage and video from all news sources. CLICK HERE



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Save your retirement. The Left is doing all they can to destroy the US economy. Free info…

Dr. Zelenko was Trump’s Advisor and has this to build up your immunity so you don’t get sick