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ABC: Hillary Clinton delivers Wellesley College commencement address at her alma mater

I have to put my two cents worth in here. This woman is talking like she will be running for office against Trump. Laughable if you really think about it. She has zero chance against Mark Cuban and any number of potential Democratic candidates. Bernei Sanders can easily defeat her for the nomination this next time up, especially now that we know she and the DNC scammed her victory over him the last time.  Listen to this person, she spouts lies, attacks Trump and sounds like the typical politically correct politicians that makes most of our nation puke. Here she is, the fill address.  Try not to barf. Click here for Whatfinger Breaking News. For the latest commentary, current events, politics and political humor. The ONLY site that shows you footage and video from all news sources. CLICK HEREUranium One and the Clinton Connection; The Real Russian Scandal is all Clinton and Podesta…Tucker: Hillary has new PAC, but where is Clinton Foundation? Tucker makes you laugh about Clinton…but this is serious.FOX Bombshell: Podesta, Hillary’s Man Given 35 Million By Russia While Working For Clinton…Breaking…Congress Investigating Massive 3 Billion laundered by Obama



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Dr. Zelenko was Trump’s Advisor and has this to build up your immunity so you don’t get sick